Choose from our implementation package
We have extensive experience in implementing improvements (changes) in close cooperation with employees.
Our philosophy is that resistance to change is not something people are born with – it can arise when something cannot fall into place.
... we hurry
... and no, we can't walk on the water - but we can do so much other
How we can support...
Set a steering group
»not too many - not too few - and the right ones«
The senior manager and...
Describe/ communicate through an A3, that everyone do understand -
BACKGROUND ('cowboy rules dominate')
Move from the end of the table and perform leading from the long side - put on workers clothes - go to the shop floor and involve ...
Internal marketing
Companies that are successful have informed on ALL occasions and in many different ways - not only on an 'intranet' - but from flyers on blackboards to ' speaking out' at every meeting and conversation
Manager information (change management)
NO programs run themselves - Even an 'employee-driven' training program requires management buy-in and a 'sustained moderate management push'
Employee involvement
»employees also want
a hand in the game«
'What are they up to now?' - questions that are naturally asked by employees.
It is important not to 'stomp on' the work that has been done previously.
Spot the producer talent
We help and are looking for employees who would like to be TWI trainers and at the same time have a flair for handling various electronic media - preferably video editing
TWI 2100 producer course
INVEST in a 'producer course' and experience they will go from process breakdown, both for process flow and detailed workflows for video recording, editing and publishing of training videos
Process confirmation
For companies that do not use TWI, we equip the managers to carry out process confirmation
Support during exercise
New work processes - the TWI2100 trainers must train to gain experience/comfort.
» Only amateurs do not train -
professionals, train every day «
Employee 'performance'
(approval after 'self-training')
Help for categorizing work processes: HIGHLY CRITICAL - CRITICAL - NORMAL,... including employee approval procedure.
As a starting point, EVERYONE must perform the 'self-trained' for a designated trainer.
Data collection
Data collection, together with the customer, on measurements/effect (interviews)
Process confirmation (auditing)
By agreement with the customer, we carry out, in due course, process confirmation (auditing) of the overall effort
In order to use and support each other, we establish networks